A Stayput Anchor isn’t just a pretty face that will keep you on fish efficiently, quietly and affordably. The engineers behind Stayput Anchors are also fishermen – fishermen who are proud to produce quality crafted products for other fishermen.

At Stayput Anchors, we value the importance of quality craftsmanship. Our success is predicated upon our reputation, and our reputation is based on the products we produce – quality products. We have worked tirelessly to create innovative anchoring products that are crafted with care and the attention to detail you deserve; and we will continue to strive to improve your fishing experience.

The Stayput Anchor team understands what you need to fish comfortably and effectively, and we’ve made it our mission to provide that to you with Stayput Anchors. Stayput Anchors has made anchoring effortless and convenient so that you can spend your time reeling in that big one instead of worrying about spinning around and drifting off fish.

Stayput Anchors is also a local business, dedicated to its local residents. And, as evidenced by the Stayput Anchors mantra, when you give to local businesses, they give back to you 100 percent. Sales and support of local businesses boost the local economy, resulting in a thriving community…your community.

The original shallow water anchor since 2007, Stayput Anchors can be reached by calling 386-682-5558 anytime from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can also email info@stayputanchor.com or like us on Facebook.

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