When it comes to our anchors at Stayput, we can be a little shallow. We expect an outward appearance that appeals to avid shallow water fisherman and boaters, along with everything that should come with it! At Stayput Shallow Water Anchors, fishermen who have paid their dues with countless hours on the water and who specialize in shallow water anchoring invented the Stayput Shallow Water Anchor. Our goal was to design an affordable, lightweight, easy to stow, simple to install shallow water anchor that will keep you on fish without constant disruptive adjustments. We met that goal and we expect nothing less of our Stayput Shallow Water Anchor. The engineers of Stayput Shallow Water Anchors are fisherman and long-time avid boaters, so we ARE you. We’ve been out there spinning around in the breeze, having to re-stake and re-stake just to get the boat secure and keep our lines tight. We know it stinks and how much it means to have a fast, effective, quiet and reliable anchor, like a Stayput Shallow Water Anchor. When our customers set their Stayput Anchor, we know and they know that they can count on it. Stayput Shallow Water Anchors have been around since 2007, so you can feel confident that they are time-tested and they are tried and true. Designed for boats up to 24 feet, Stayput Shallow Water Anchors are only a fraction of the cost of traditional anchors. So do yourself a favor if you like to traverse the shallow waters. Keep a Stayput Shallow Water Anchor on your boat, and keep it “reel”!

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