When our communities are struck by disaster, so many of us are driven by the need to band together to regroup and rebuild. At Stayput Shallow Water Anchors, we are also driven by that need and we are pitching in to help our neighbors wherever we can.
In times like these, knowledge can be powerful. Here is some information that we hope may be helpful for you if you have been affected by the recent storms or if you would like to lend a hand in the recovery process.
For information about volunteer opportunities, you can visit volunteer.volunteer florida.org. If you would like to donate to the Florida Disaster Fund, which assists Florida’s communities as we rebuild and recover, go to volunteerflorida.org/donatefdf/.
If you have been directly affected by Ian, you can apply to FEMA at 800-621-FEMA or disasterassistance.gov. You can apply for food assistance at myflfamilies.com/DSNAP. If you are out of work due to the impacts of a hurricane, you can apply for unemployment assistance by calling 800-385-3920. Here is some other contact information that may be helpful. The State Assistance Info Hotline is 800-342-3557. You can reach the disaster distress helpline at 800-985-5900. The Disaster Legal Helpline is 866-550-2929. For the Elder Helpline, dial 800-963-5337.
Small business assistance is also available. You can floridasbdc.org/locations for disaster recovery center resource information and apply for an emergency loan at floridadisaster.biz.
A Letter to Santa
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