The proprietors of Stayput Shallow Water Anchors are steadfast guardians of our waters, standing beside forward-thinking organizations like Captains for Clean Water that helps raise ecological awareness through education, advocacy and backing policy makers who wage war against Big Sugar and other money-hungry entities raising the toxicity in our precious waters.
You see, clean waters don’t just look beautiful, enabling us to live within an oasis and luring tourists in record numbers. The conservation of Florida’s waters protects our very existence in so many vital ways…
From the livelihood of watermen, local restaurateurs and all their employees, seafood wholesalers and packaging plants, the people who sell it and transport it and the entire boating industry;
To our very way of life which includes the enjoyment that fishing, boating and simply spending time with our friends and family in and around the water (clean water) can provide;
To all the wildlife within and surrounding Florida’s ocean, rivers, bays, lakes and Intercoastal Waterway including our treasured manatees, our majestic bald eagles and an entire ecosystem of aquatic creatures which are a necessary part of our planet’s food chain;
And, on a much larger scale, over 70% of earth is covered in water, providing us with the necessary oxygen to survive.
It is imperative that we join forces to protect one of our most valuable resources – Florida’s clean waters because some, for whatever reasons, are tone deaf to this worthy cause; but voices in number are easier to hear.
All Things Are Possible with Secure Anchoring!
Stayput Anchor: The Affordable Solution for Shallow Water Anchoring