Stayput Shallow Water Anchors proudly sponsored this year’s Florida Skiff Challenge, a grueling endurance test with a noble cause – restoring and protecting one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world for generations to come. All proceeds from the 2022 Florida Skiff Challenge will be used to support this Florida Everglades clean water mission.
Florida’s Skiff Challenge was comprised of the best boats and teams from six boat companies. Each five-person team was made up of two skiff operators and three land-based support crew members. The boats, powered by 70-horse motors and outfitted with an extensive array of safety and navigational gear, were allowed to carry up to 22 gallons of fuel at a time and stop for fuel, food, rest and repairs.
The race was a 1,300-mile circumnavigation course from the top of Florida’s gulf coast all the way around to the opposite state line. It began on April 7th in Pensacola, to an April 8th media stop in Key Largo, to its Fernandina Beach finish.
Stayput Anchors is wholly committed to achieving the balance that will ensure the health of our waters for boaters, fishermen and the entire outdoor way of life on which Florida families and its economy rely. If you would like to learn more about additional efforts in the fight for clean water or the non-profit organization that leads them through education, awareness and empowerment, visit
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Stayput Anchors - Captains for Clean Water