Hurricanes, a whirling dervish and that weird vegetable chopper you may have seen on late night TV are all things that spin we could do without. I’m also pretty sure that your boat is another thing you would prefer to keep from spinning. It’s definitely no fun when you see a bunch of activity on that fish finder screen and you can’t seem to stay on top of them or when you want to anchor up and have the peace of mind that your boat is securely anchored when you aren’t in it.
Most of us don’t love change, so we tend to cling to the (sometimes inferior) things we are used to, but what do you do when that makes you blue? Traditional anchors have their moments, but sometimes they can be heavy, difficult to stick in certain situations and a pain in the butt to stow. If you’re up for an elevation in anchor innovation, it may be time for a little deviation.
Stayput Shallow Water Anchors created for boats of any kind up to 24 feet were invented by boaters who also like the confidence that their boat is going to stay put when they anchor. They are reliable, lightweight, easy to install, quiet and convenient to stow. What’s not to love?
Plus, the holidays are going to sneak up on us quicker than you might think. So, if you’re worried that your Christmas gift ideas have become a little stale (and you would like an easy and affordable online gift shopping option), put a fresh spin on those too with a Stayput Shallow Water Anchor. It’s just another way to make sure your boo stays put. You’re welcome.
What to Keep and What to Throw Back When Fishing
The Story of Santa and Stayput